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Project duration/durata proiectului: 03/08/2020-20/07/2022
Project code/Cod proiect: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-3763
I. Oral and poster presentations/Prezentări orale și postere:
I.1. T.F. Marinca, B.V. Neamțu, F. Popa, I. Chicinaș, C.V. Prică, A. Mesaroș, C. Nicolicescu,
Ni70.5Fe18.8Mo4.7Al6 nanocrystalline powder obtained by mechanical alloying, Presentation at 6th International Conference Advances in Engineering & Management - ADEM 2020 - oral presentation
I. 2. T.F. Marinca, M.C. Sas, A. Sule, A. Mesaroș, R. Hirean, B.V. Neamțu, F. Popa, C.V. Prică, I. Chicinaș, Structural, morphological and magnetic characteristics of Aluminium Supermalloy new magnetic material obtained by mechanical alloying, Presentation at 2021 Research Conference of Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, October 20-22, 2021 - oral presentation
I.3. I. Chicinaş , B.V. Neamţu , T.F. Marinca , F. Popa , C.D. Stanciu, O. Isnard,
Soft magnetic nanocrystalline powders and nanocrystalline/composite compacts obtained by mechanosynthesis and spark plasma sintering, Prezentare orală la 1st EUT+ Workshop on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies, on-line, 28-29 Avril 2021 - oral presentation
I.4. T.F. Marinca, A.I. Sule, M.C. Sas, F. Popa, B.V. Neamțu, V.C. Prică, N.A. Sechel, A.Z. Mesaroș, R. Hirian, I. Cchicinaș, Ni-Fe-X-Al@oxide powders and Ni-Fe based oxide matrix compacts - synthesis and characterization” Bramat 2022, 9-12 Martie 2022, Brașov, România - oral presentation
I.5. T.F. Marinca, B.V. Neamțu, F. Popa, I. Chicinaș, Soft magnetic composites based on Sendust nanocrystalline powder with Fe3O4 nanoparticles” at 25th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, SMM25, 2-5 May 2022, Grenoble, France, poster presentation
I.6. T.F Marinca, B.V. Neamțu, F. Popa, O. Isnard, I. Chicinaș, Préparation et caractérisation de poudres Ni-Fe-X-Al@oxyde et de compacts à matrice oxyde à base d'alliages Ni-Fe, Conference Internationale, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, 24-28 October, 2022, oral presentation
II. ISI papers/Articole ISI:
II.1. T.F. Marinca, A.I. Sule, R. Hirian, A.N. Sechel, F. Popa, B.V. Neamțu, I. Chicinaș, Al-Permalloy (Ni71.25Fe23.75Al5) obtained by mechanical alloying. The influence of the processing parameters on structural, microstructural, thermal, and magnetic characteristics, Advanced Powder Technology 33 (2022) 103642,
II.2. T.F. Marinca, M.C. Sas, A. Mesaroș, R. Hirian, F. Popa, B.V. Neamțu, I. Chicinaș, Al-Supermalloy and Al-Supermalloy@oxide magnetic. Structural, morphological, thermal, and magnetic characterization, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 291 (2022) 126727,
II.3. T.F Marinca, B.V. Neamțu, F. Popa, A. Mesaroș, I. Chicinaș, Spark Plasma Sintered Soft Magnetic Composite Based on Fe-Si-Al Surface Oxidized Powders, Materials 15 (2022) 7875.
II.4. T.F Marinca, F. Popa, B.V. Neamțu, V.C. Prică, I. Chicinaș, Permalloy/alumina soft magnetic composite compacts obtained by reaction of Al-permalloy with Fe2O3 nanoparticles upon spark plasma sintering, Ceramics International, 49 (2023) 2272-2281.
II.5. T.F. Marinca, B.V. Neamțu, F. Popa, A.Z. Mesaroș, I. Ciascai, I. Chicinaș, Novel Supermalloy/alumina type soft magnetic composite obtained by rection spark plasma sintering of Al-Supermalloy (Ni70.5Fe18.8Mo4.7Al6) surface oxidized particles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 940 (2023) 168899.
III - Patent proposal/Cerere de brevet
III.1. T.F. Marinca, B.V. Neamțu, F. Popa, I. Chicinaș, Pulberi compozite complexe pe bază de Fe și aliaj cu baza Fe, compacte sinterizate compozite magnetic moi cu matrice oxidică pe baza acestora și procedeu de obținere, RO137133-A0
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